Peggy's book is done!

By John, 9 June, 2011

My wife finally got her book up on Amazon!

The Naturally Frugal Baby

It's called The Naturally Frugal Baby: Financial Survival Strategies and Tactics for Having a Baby without Going Broke. This is the Second Edition (the first edition was only available on and has been extensively updated and revised. Yay for Amazon!

If you'd rather have bits instead of atoms, you can still get it in e-Book form from You can get the book cheaper from as well, but as Peggy points out, if you take advantage of free shipping from Amazon it works out to be about the same price either way.

[UPDATE]: The best review yet comes from my friend Mike on Facebook, who shared the link and commented: "I'M NOT HAVING A BABY. My friend's wife wrote a book about making and raising babies on a budget, and since many of the people on my FB are hellbent on breeding, I'm posting the link."