Not hungry for breakfast

By John, 11 June, 2011

My four year old daughter is jumping around, excited about making cookies, because she just woke up and had a dream about making cookies. I explained we had to wait until Mommy and Daddy were ready to make cookies, and why don't you go eat some breakfast while you wait? She said "Dad, I'm not hungry for breakfast! I'm hungry for cookies!"

Update, later in the day: My daughter just ran in the room and said "Daaaaaad! Mom says that grapes are plants," in a tone of voice that indicated that her mother could quite possibly be the stupidest person on the planet for believing such a thing.

"Honey, grapes are plants." I said. She suddenly looked at me like I had two heads. "What do you think grapes are, honey?" I asked gently.

"Grapes are food," she said forcefully.

"Hmmm. Look, you remember the sugar peas in our garden, right? They're vines, growing on the fence. Now, are peas plants?"


"But you ate some yesterday. Are peas food?"

Pause. "Yes! Peas are food AND plants!"

"So what are grapes?"

"Grapes are plants... AND food!" Long pause while this sinks in. "I HAVE TO GO TELL MOM!"