Film Project


By John, 6 February, 2013
Low angle photograph of raindrops splashing on the pavement at a gas station. My Subaru is in the background of the picture.

Olympus XA, f/2.8, probably Fuji Superia.

Alabama Amy and the Botanical Garden of Doom

By John, 15 November, 2012

What kind of idiot brings a camera full of black and white film to the botanical garden, anyway? (A: this kind of idiot.)

Several years ago, 135mm f/2.8 Zuiko, Olympus OM-1, Ilford XP-2

My backyard

By John, 14 November, 2012

October 2012, 24mm f/2.8 Zuiko, OM-1, Ilford XP2.

Introducing the Film Project

By John, 12 November, 2012

Many months ago my digital camera died. I still don't have a workable replacement, and after a nice break from photography I think I'm ready to come back.

What I find most tedious about digital photography is dealing with files. Get the files off the camera (20-45 minutes), load them into Lightroom (another 30+ minutes), go through and pick the selects (another 20 minutes), edit the selects (infinite minutes), export the files (tedious), then upload or print the photos (even more tedium). It's all entirely too much.

So for this project, I am going to scan in a film negative. I have a little Automator script I wrote to size it down. Then I will upload it. No editing. The whole goal is to reduce the amount of time I spend in front of the computer.

Some of the photos I will upload are photos I took a few weeks ago. Some of them are over 20 years old. This one is from our Summer vacation about three years ago.

135mm 2.8 Zuiko, OM-1, Kodak Portra 400NC.